Sunday, November 25, 2007

#16 & #17 Wikis

Wikis are a great way to share information. I particularly liked the camping example in the 2.0 explanation. It was clear, concise and informative. I think libaries currently will find them an excellent technical tool for book reviews and using the internet. Future use is up to the imagination.

#15 Perspectives

The future is infinite in possibility. I have delayed in completing this part of the exercise because I had so many thoughts.

Libraries of the future will be more online - actual places where books are kept will be archives. More and more people will be able to access information 24/7 without leaving the comfort of their homes. The Librarians will be able to work from home also - answering questions, helping with projects, providing information from a wide variety of resources, most of which will be electronic. We will rely more heavily on electricity and connections than ever before in history. I wonder will this disappear the way the famous library in Alexandria did? The traditions of research, learning and collections of knowledge have lived on, prospered and developed just as the infrastructure of e-books, blogs, Technorati, tags and wikis will in some form in the future.

The way technology is used is up to the individual - however Libraries and Librarians must also be able to respond to this need. This multimedia project explores and shows us ways to do this. Blogs can join people in mutual learning.

Individual learning is ongoing and change is always happening. Once we are plugged in and able to use the tools our response is rapid. We share wikipedia for information, we share databases, we share our thoughts as easily as touching the keyboard. The more I complete the exercises in 2.0 the more I appreciate the possibilities for the future of libraries and librarians as the gateways to access this future.

#14 Technorati

This is a great way to save time when searching. As mentioned in the introduction it is huge and a little bit daunting. Actually using the tags helps, but also adds to the amount of actual reading done.